For these problems, the development of the next few years Taobao should pay attention to the following several aspects: first, to find a breakthrough. If you are the same thing C2C and B2C sales, it must be finished C2C. To look for other ways to fill gaps in the market, in order to have a new growth point, while Taobao sellers can sell everything they want, but Taobao can do some guided through their official capacity; second, improve the internal mechanism. Credit evaluation system for solving mean evaluation. Taobao buyers during the country, which the seller is all over the country. There have a large number of outlets in the country, and now a lot of Taobao sellers of goods for long distance delivery are also relying on China Post to complete.
In conclusion, Taobao is a great website, development really fast and make people’s life more easier, even thought Taobao has some defect, but it’s a long journey, and I believe Taobao have a better tomorrow.
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